Saturday, April 13, 2024

A pair of random anime reviews

Okay, so once upon a time, I was thinking I would be watching and reviewing a lot more anime.  However, that didn't really come to fruition, and as a consequence, I have these two reviews that have been sitting here, waiting for a third to complete the article. Unfortunately, I feel that simply tacking on a third at this point would feel inconsistent, as it has been about 3 or 4 years since I watched them.  Nevertheless, I did want to at least share these reviews, as they were my thoughts at the time, and I figured they'd at least be interesting.  After debating it back and forth in my head, I've decided to just quietly release these two without any promotion with the hopes that I can maybe start fresh with something else, leaving these reviews in my rearview mirror instead of letting them linger in the "Draft" section of my blog.

So, here's two random anime series reviews, I guess.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Wrapping Up 2023 and Looking Ahead to 2024

Well, last year was certainly a busy year for me on this blog.  I watched a lot of movies and read a lot of books, giving me plenty of subjects for my analysis and review.  I feel pretty proud that I was able to publish an article for every month of 2023.  I think it just ended up that way, in a pretty serendipitous manner, but I'm glad that it did.

I thought about putting together a Top 5 movies of the year, as I did end up seeing quite a few.  Because Dune got delayed to 2024, I'm sure Guy Ritchie's The Covenant would have been my number one, followed by Godzilla Minus One, John Wick, and the second Spider-Verse movie.  However, I admit I haven't feel like writing up a big capstone article for whatever reason.  Of course, I will still be writing articles about what I watch in the future, but I'm thinking I want to spend more time catching up on things rather than trying to stay up-to-date.

That being said, as I look ahead, there are some films that do get my interest, namely the Dune sequel, Kung Fu Panda 4, and maybe Furiosa, Deadpool 3, and Borderlands.  Later in the year will be that Gladiator sequel, as well as that animated Lord of the Rings movie.  I'll also watch the second season of Rings of Power.  However, I haven't feel inclined to really write up an article about my Anticipated Movies, either.  It's hard to know what will come out anymore as release dates keep getting shifted for one reason or another.

I do have several books I'm looking at reading, but they aren't a big series like Conan.  Still, I think I will post book reviews more regularly as I get through more books.  I've picked up some pretty neat ones lately, and I'll be excited to share them with you as I get through them.

I also want to maybe try and do more writing.  I know I have plenty of ideas, I just need to get them down and share them on this site.  Maybe even submit them to a publisher or two.  There are other projects I want to work on, though I don't want to talk about them quite yet.  Still, if I have something to share, I'll be sure to post about it here on the blog.

I guess this post is mainly to say that I plan on carrying on in a very loose manner, not really trying to force anything too much.  Nevertheless, here's to working towards a productive 2024, at least for the kinds of things I like to share on my blog.  

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Recently Watched - 2023 Part 7!

Alright, let's wrap up the last bunch of films before I bring this year to a close.  I've certainly got quite the handful here, between mysteries, giant monsters, superheroes, and anime.  I know there are still some I missed in this year, but the fact that this is Part 7 means I still saw plenty enough, I think.  Anyways, on to the reviews!

Friday, December 15, 2023

Books I Read in 2023 - Part Two!

Time to wrap things up with some writing reviews!  I wasn't sure how many I'd have for this article, as I ended up writing quite a few for the first part, but I was able to wrap up quite a few novels before the end of the year, so maybe they're completely unbalanced.  In any case, I've been reading some pretty fascinating books, even if they are just more genre fiction (I know what I like, okay?).  Here we go!

Friday, December 8, 2023

A Quick Update and a New Story!

Hey, just wanted to bring some attention to a few things.  First, I ended up doing some writing for NaNoWriMo 2023.  It wasn't as much as last year, but right before it started, I suddenly got an idea for a new space opera style story, and started writing along with the other writers.  However, I didn't stick with it, so it's only 6000 words long, but I decided to throw it up on the site regardless.  Click here if you want to jump right to it!

I've also removed my previous NaNoWriMo attempt, The Elimination Virus, from the navigation bar above, and made it a part of my [Scraps] page for my NaNoWriMo attempts.  You can find both my 2022 and 2023 attempts there, and I will probably include any others I end up writing.

But that's basically it.  Just a minor thing.  I do plan on having a few more articles before the month is out, though I'm afraid they may end up crowding with the holidays.  Until then, stay safe and stay warm!