Thursday, January 9, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part Three!

Finally on the classics!  The OG!  The trilogy that changed the world of cinema forever!  Turns out, I had a lot to say about these films, which ended up causing this to be a longer series of articles than I had anticipated.

Anyways, here's what I noticed this time around!

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

- I can't decide if it's amazing or pathetic that I have this movie nearly memorized.  It's like I could sing along, if it were a musical.  (I suppose I could sing along with the soundtrack; I know it almost just as well!)
- You know, it really is amazing how much character R2-D2 can convey with just some beeps and head swivels.  
- I can also sense a shift in pacing here as well, but that may be more a consequence of it being a product of its era.  Modern films rarely have good pacing anymore, as they're too impatient to get to the big trailer-friendly moments.
- What the heck is a "bad motivator" anyway?  Did that droid explode because no one gave it some encouraging words or compliments?
- C3PO really does just go with the flow, no matter his circumstances.  Like he's resigned to each new situation he finds himself in.
- I just realized that Luke went to dinner, poured himself some blue milk, and then never ate or drank anything!
- It's interesting how, over time, the Emperor was able to slowly dismantle the Republic.  It wasn't an immediate takeover, but something gradual.  I suppose that's implied in this film, but after watching the previous ones, it feels much more apparent.
- "Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
- Of course, ever since I got Thumb Wars from my uncle, I can't not think of lines from that either.  Thanks, Bryan.
- I'm watching the Special Editions of the Original Trilogy, and while they do provide some neat little touches, during the bit where Luke and Obi-Wan get detained about the droids, they slap a big animal in front of everything for a few moments, and I've never understood why they would choose to obscure things like that.
- You would be very hard-pressed to find a scene in all of cinema that better expresses the diversity of a fictional setting than Mos Eisley's Cantina.
- I've always noticed that when they open doors on the Death Star, the visuals get a little janky, but this is the first time I've realized that they're actually speeding up the footage, not cutting or splicing anything.
- That cringe after Han Solo says "How are you?" in the detention cells is so real!!
- Seeing a lightsaber battle for the first time might have been a big deal, but after seeing actual fight choreography in the prequels, the battle between Obi-won and Darth Vader has not aged well.
- Despite knowing all the lines so well, I'm still chuckling at them.  There really are some great one-liners here.  It's a shame the prequels didn't benefit from dialogue like this.
- Geez, Obi-wan!  Luke is trying to focus on his fight with the Death Star!  Stop distracting him!!
- I have to admit, with the music cues, seeing the Death Star explode like it's in sync with the soundtrack is a beautiful thing.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

- Again, I think I can quote this most of this movie from memory like a sing-a-long, but it doesn't change how fun the little lines are.
- How did the wampa get Luke frozen to the ceiling?  Seems like a weird way for an animal to store meat.
- What's the internal temperature of a Taun-taun?  Luke-warm.  #sorrynotsorry
- "Scruffy-looking" is the only part Han has solo with that tirade of insults from Leia?
- Why is everyone in the Rebel Alliance saying "Good luck" to each other?  What happened to "May the Force be with you"?
- I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but this time I'm noticing just how much stop-motion animation these movies used.  Sure, you can see with the monsters, but now I'm realizing that's how they did things like the AT-ATs and the AT-STs.  Harryhausen would be proud!
- Luke has a bad habit of losing his wingmen!  This happened in Episode 4 as well!!
- Man, the Imperial Army is really used to Vader just killing off officers.  I suppose when you're busy conquering the galaxy, OSHA compliance just slips through the cracks?
- You know, Vader invites Solo and company to eat, and there's even food on the table, but do you really think they sat and ate first before everything else happened?  How does Vader eat anyway?  Does he take off his mask and everyone loses their appetite at the sight?
- The battle between Luke and Vader really is great.  Perhaps it's not fair to say this as Alec Guiness wasn't a young man, but the fight choreography is definitely better.  Of course, it also helps to have a lot of environment elements to the fight, and some really good cinematography for how the fight is staged in Cloud City.  Really neat stuff!
- The way the broken hyperdrive sounds when it fails is almost a running gag for this movie.  And I mean that in a good way!

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

- Man, they really leave C3PO in the dark about their plan to rescue Solo.  Maybe they figure he'll spill the beans?  He does tend to overtalk.
- I had completely forgotten about the droid torture as C3PO and R2-D2 enter Jabba's service!  Rather grisly, really!
- Yeah, the "Special Edition" is not improved by having a full-on musical number.  You'd think Lucas would have learned his lesson from Temple of Doom.
- Huh, so Emperor Palpatine is using a cane to walk.  Didn't remember that, either.
- Han Solo really expects Lando to go into battle with the Falcon and not have it get a single scratch??
- Wait, why did they let C3PO go on a stealth mission?  I mean, I get that he becomes important later, but it is kinda silly.
- That chase scene through the jungle on the hover bikes still is impressive.  Sure, the tech looks dated, but it's still pretty well shot, making for an exciting and unique chase sequence.
- Darth Vader is definitely more submissive in this movie, after being so dominating in the previous two.  I suppose it's to show just how much more powerful Palpatine is, but it is pretty different.
- I'll concede that an alien race of teddy bears is pretty silly, but I don't think it really diminishes the movie that much.  Keeps it fun, I think.
- I think it's funny that C3PO states he isn't much of a storyteller in Episode IV, but proceeds to tell their story to the Ewoks, with sound effects even, and gets incredible results!
- The Battle of Endor with three fronts is really pretty impressive, especially how they switch from one part to the next without it ever been confusing.  That being said, it really dominates the film, so maybe the trick is proper pacing.
- I'm pretty sure knocking off that dish that was on top of the Falcon counts as a scratch, Lando.
- I still think it's kinda lame that they brought in Hayden Christiansen to be Anakin's Force Ghost, especially since it doesn't really jive with leaving Alec Guiness as Obi-wan.  How come Anakin gets to be young again, but not Obi-won?

So that's the original trilogy done.  It is really impressive how well these movies still hold up after all these years.  Next, the sequels!

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