Sunday, November 1, 2020

Have Some More Scraps!!

This isn't a major post or anything, but I did want to let folks know that I've updated the [Scraps] page with more story bits, in case you were interested.  I've been working on all sorts of ideas, but I don't seem to get very far with them.  Maybe I'll get around to finishing all these ideas.

I had been meaning to do this for a while, but it just keep slipping my mind, so today I finally decided to take the time and throw a bunch of these up here.  I'm also planning on adding more to my [Serials] section, but I want to give those a bit more attention before I do.

I do want to try and get more of my writing on here (as that was the initial purpose of this website).  I should probably get into the habit of writing more consistently, but until then, here's a few scraps.