Saturday, December 26, 2020

Books I Read in 2020!

Yeah, more stuff about books!  This year I decided to track the books I read a little closer.  I don't really read as much as I should, but between Artemis Fowl and this handful, I think I did alright.  Better than previous years, anyway.  So here's some thoughts on the books I read this year.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Recently Watched - Winter 2020

Hey, movie reviews!  It really hasn't been a good year to be watching movies, as most of the big stuff keeps getting delayed.  Still, there were a few that got released that I was interested in, and while they may not have gotten folks into theaters, they were still interesting efforts to keep things going.  Here's what I've seen recently.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Have Some More Scraps!!

This isn't a major post or anything, but I did want to let folks know that I've updated the [Scraps] page with more story bits, in case you were interested.  I've been working on all sorts of ideas, but I don't seem to get very far with them.  Maybe I'll get around to finishing all these ideas.

I had been meaning to do this for a while, but it just keep slipping my mind, so today I finally decided to take the time and throw a bunch of these up here.  I'm also planning on adding more to my [Serials] section, but I want to give those a bit more attention before I do.

I do want to try and get more of my writing on here (as that was the initial purpose of this website).  I should probably get into the habit of writing more consistently, but until then, here's a few scraps.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Let's Talk Anime!

Good heavens, it's been quiet around here, hasn't it!

So I've been getting back into anime a bit, lately, and I thought I might look into writing some reviews for it.  I don't know how often it will be, as I'll probably wait until I finish a series or a season or something like that.  However, I figured I should at least put down a few words about my history with anime, just so you know where I'm coming from and what I like.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Recently Watched - June 2020!

Yup, I'm back with even more movie reviews!  I'm really all over the place this time!  Between the sci-fi, mystery, and adventure, I've watched (and re-watched) some pretty interesting stuff.  Well, except one.  That one was just not fun at all.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Artemis Fowl Book Series Retrospective!

What?  Book reviews?  Yeah, this will be different.

So when the main trailer for the new Artemis Fowl movie came out, I was rather disheartened, as it seemed like they had abandoned much of the story, changed character relationships, and even some of their motivations!  In an effort to reconcile this, I decided to read through all 8 books, reviewing them across two articles.  Given that they're YA novels, it didn't think it would take that much time, especially since I had read the first four before.

Well, the film got delayed, and then thrown onto Disney+, and even then I've only gotten through the first four books.  While I do intend to read the other four, it may be some time before the second article comes out.  Still, it's been fun to go back over these, and I hope that it will inspire people to check the series out, regardless of how the film ends up.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Recently Watched - May 2020!

Hmm, I seem to be watching movies on a pretty regular basis.  As it turns out, I have four more reviews to share with you!  I hope this format is working for you, because it seems to be working for me.  Anyways, here's the latest of what I've been watching.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Recently Watched - April 2020!

I know I said I'd be writing more, and I have, just not here (though I may share that once it's ready).  In the meantime, let's talk about some movies I've watched recently!!  

Of course, not every movie I watch is part of a franchise or a series, so I've bundled a handful of stuff I've watched recently.  I hope it's not too confusing to be mixing new movies with older ones.

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Fast and the Furious Retrospective

I said I wanted to put out more articles, and I've been working on this one for a while.  Granted, this probably isn't a series you would expect me to watch, being more interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and superheroes, but I've come to learn that this series has also put together something of a continuity that's really building towards something, so I figured I'd give them a shot.

That being said, I'm not going to be giving my full thoughts on each one, as that would be more than the amount of thought that went into making these movies, so this will be a pretty quick-and-dirty rundown of them all (which is probably appropriate, in a way).  Also, I was planning on including F9, but it got delayed, so I guess I'll watch and review that next year.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part Four!

Finally, the last article!

I'm gonna be honest, I haven't been too impressed with the sequel films.  I don't hate them, but they have been surprisingly underwhelming.  However, I'll try to not to grouse too much.  Let's see what I noticed when rewatching these films!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part Three!

Finally on the classics!  The OG!  The trilogy that changed the world of cinema forever!  Turns out, I had a lot to say about these films, which ended up causing this to be a longer series of articles than I had anticipated.

Anyways, here's what I noticed this time around!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part Two!

Picking up where we left off, here is the next three installments in the Star Wars series.  These are the ones that really focus on setting things up for the original trilogy.  Let's see what I noticed this time!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part One!

So, Episode 9 landed at the end of last year, and like I've done with other franchises, I figured I'd rewatch all the live-action Star Wars films in chronological order in anticipation (anticipointment?) of the ninth episode in the series.

However, I'm going to do something a little different this time.  Instead of reviewing films that we've seen reviewed over and over, what I'd like to do is more of a "stream of consciousness" style of writing that focuses on things I pick up this time around.  It was more fun and hopefully will be less tedious to read.

Also, I mentioned earlier that this was going to be a two-part series, but as I got into it, I realized I had more to say about each film than I thought, so it's now become a four-part article series!  Sorry!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Anticipated Movies for 2020

Hey, it's time for my huge list of films that I think I want to see for the upcoming year.  It's a pretty decent mix, I think.  We'll see if any of them are any good.