Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Star Wars Rewatch - Part Two!

Picking up where we left off, here is the next three installments in the Star Wars series.  These are the ones that really focus on setting things up for the original trilogy.  Let's see what I noticed this time!

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

- Man, that opening space battle really is impressive (droid antics notwithstanding).
- Christopher Lee really doesn't get to do all that much, overall, which is quite the shame.
- Seeing each scene work as foreshadowing of what's coming does give this movie some interesting dramatic irony.  Episode 1 set the stage, Episode 2 was mostly filler, but Episode 3 is the tragedy fully realized.
- "Hello there" indeed!
- I bet the Mace Windu from the Clone Wars series wouldn't have gone down like that!
- In fact, once Order 66 is given, all the Jedi go down pretty easily.  I get that they need to move the story along, but it is a little incongruous.
- Wow, the dialogue at the end is peak melodrama!  So much cheese!
- Also, the lightsaber battles are less dynamic in this one.  Sure, they fight in some interesting and varied locations, but they actual choreography seems simplistic.  Episode 1's lightsaber battles were better than this.
- Pfft!  CG Grand Moff Tarkin!  (I suppose I shouldn't laugh, but given how the sequels have used CG to bring back characters, it just seems funny to see him here.)
- That being said, this movie does do a decent job of putting the pieces in place for the next trilogy (chronologically speaking).

Solo: A Star Wars Story

- This is the only live-action Star Wars film I didn't see in theaters, so this watch will be my first time ever seeing it!
- Wow, Corellia is nothing like I thought it would be.  Then again, I guess if you want the grim, used future that the original trilogy went for, I suppose it works.
- THAT'S how he gets the name "Solo"?  Really?  That's kinda lame.
- THAT'S HOW HE MEETS CHEWBACCA?!?!?!  Actually, that's pretty good.  I think I like that meeting.

- Okay, that train heist was actually pretty cool.
- And that's how he meets Lando.  This one feels the most expected, honestly.
- Wait, Teräs Käsi is full-on canon now?  Wild!
- Did he just spin the Falcon around and smack a Tie-Fighter with it's own hull?  That's amazing!!
- Warwick Davis showing up again is cool, but seeing him holding a freakin' space bazooka is too much!
- HAH!  Han shot first!  It's a shame Beckett can't benefit from a special edition!
- Overall, a decent adventure film.  I don't know how I feel about it in connection with how Han Solo turns out, but on its own, it was pretty fun.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

- Mads Mikkelsen is another great actor who strangely doesn't get enough to do.
- After the title credits, I had forgotten they show you about six characters on six planets in about six minutes.  It's a little jarring to be jumping from scene to scene.
- K2 is sooo snarky and sarcastic!!
- The cinematography does some pretty interesting things with shadows in space.
- More CG Grand Moff Tarkin!!
- Hey, it's those guys who eventually run into Obi-Wan in Episode 4!  What a blatant, useless cameo!  It's almost as bad as having R2-D2 and C3PO show up for no reason.  (Oh wait!)
- Donnie Yen is so cool!
- Good grief, did Darth Vader insist on making his new home the most evil looking building imaginable?  Did he get tips from Sauron or something?

- Speaking of Vader, something does feel off about him in this movie.  And he shouldn't be making puns!
- The whole sequence on Scarif really is impressive.  The stealthy infiltration to the full-on battle to the heroic sacrifices, it really is a visual tour-de-force with pacing.  It's a shame the two main characters are kinda flat and uninteresting (to me, anyway).
- However, the Darth Vader battle at the end is kinda superfluous, and a totally CG Leia is kind of rough to end on.

So that's the half-way point!  Kind of weird to say it that way, given that the original trilogy is next, but that's how it is now.  Expect the next article in a few days!

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