Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wandering Through the Hyborean Age - Part 6: Conclusion

So, after 21 books (well, 22, if we want to count all the short stories from Swordsman that got mixed in my versions of the Lancer/Ace books), I think it's time to present my overall thoughts, like I promised.  I doubt my conclusions will be particularly profound or earth-shattering, as most of this material is the epitome of shallow genre fiction, for better or worse.  Still, as I have been poking through the catalog of stories published over the last 90s years, I have been writing up my thoughts regarding this franchise, which is why this article is so dang big.  Hopefully, you'll indulge me as I go over my thoughts on the various themes and qualities of the different authors I experienced.  Here we go!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wandering Through the Hyborean Age - Reviewing Conan Books Part 5!

So much for finding something else to talk about!  As I got closer to the end, I found myself getting excited to complete my journey!  This final stretch has Howard's only Conan novel, the bizarre sequel by Nyberg, and the last adventures of our hero, wrapping up the Lancer/Ace books by de Camp and Carter.  While it remains stirring pulpy adventures throughout, these ones do show a few different sides to Conan that we wouldn't have gotten otherwise.