Monday, April 27, 2020

Recently Watched - April 2020!

I know I said I'd be writing more, and I have, just not here (though I may share that once it's ready).  In the meantime, let's talk about some movies I've watched recently!!  

Of course, not every movie I watch is part of a franchise or a series, so I've bundled a handful of stuff I've watched recently.  I hope it's not too confusing to be mixing new movies with older ones.

Unstoppable (2010)

I was interested in this when it came out 10 years ago, but never did get around to it until just now.  It looked like it would be a fun ride, and I was satisfied to learn that it certainly was!

Granted, it's not exactly innovative or ground-breaking.  A train bearing toxic chemicals is suddenly let loose due to operator error, with no one on board to stop it.  Once the disaster is set in motion and we're introduced to our main characters, it's pretty predictable from then on.

However, the key to these kinds of movies is the execution, and Tony Scott really nails it.  This roller-coaster of thrills doesn't stop once it's started, and it's a blast pretty much all the way through.  Having a very punchy script certainly helps, and both Denzel Washington and Chris Pine play their roles well, I think.  Not the deepest of characters, but that's not the point for a movie like this.

Honestly, the only thing that stinks about this is that I should have watched it when it came out on the big screen because it would have been terrific.  Definitely recommended when you're in the mood for something big and dumb and awesome.

Bloodshot (2020)

Taking a comic book character from a publisher few knew outside of the fandom and giving it the Hollywood treatment may be a curious choice for a movie, especially given how saturated the market is, but Valiant Comics wants to make their own cinematic universe, and they're starting here.  And for what it's worth, it could be the start of something pretty decent.

Bloodshot is about a soldier (Vin Diesel) who is excellent at what he does, but ends up getting killed, then revived due to an in-depth augmentation where a company (Rising Spirit Tech) replaces his blood with super-powered micro-bots called nanites, giving him extra strength and healing powers.  The company tries to guide him, but when the soldier remembers why he died, he goes on a revenge spree to get his killer.  And then the twists start to appear.

I won't give too much away from there, but it's a solid piece of comic book sci-fi, with just enough of each to make it very enjoyable!  The sci-fi is used to set up the movie's real premise, but when the action scenes kick in, it's all wonderfully stylized and a blast to watch!  There's some pretty decent special effects as well, mostly revolving around how the other characters' augmentations allow them to do some pretty impressive stuff!  Some of the editing might make it a little frantic, but that's a small quibble for a movie that builds slowly before going all out at the end!

While Valiant may not have the name-recognition that DC or Marvel enjoy, they do have a pretty interesting roster of characters that could become solid movies of their own.  It remains to be seen if this will actually kickstart a new franchise, especially given this has come out at probably the worst time possible, but the potential is there. 

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

This is a film I've seen before, but it had been a long time and I had forgotten most of it, other than it was a great sea-faring adventure during the Napoleonic Wars.  And it didn't disappoint upon rewatching it.

The story follows a British ship ordered to follow a powerful French vessel and put it down, one way or another, before it makes it to Pacific waters and causes havoc there.  Between the storms, the chases, the surprise tactics, and the drama of war, this really revels in the romance often found in classic literature.  Hard sacrifices are made, friendships are tested and reforged, death is sudden, but so is the thrill of victory, as the ships toss and turn on the chaotic waves.

Honestly, this deserved to get sequels, especially with that ending.  It's not a masterpiece, but it performs its thrills and quieter moments with ease and confidence, with a soundtrack that carries the atmosphere very well.  There aren't too many films that do this kind of old-fashioned storytelling, making it highly recommendable to anyone looking for that classic adventure yarn.

Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Seeing the trailers for this, I knew this had the chance to be really good, and it definitely came through.  What a fun movie!  Well acted, well performed, well made.  

Following the true story of Ford's attempts to dethrone Ferrari for the 24 hour Le Mans race, we watch a former Le Mans racer Carroll Shelby and his good racing friend Ken Miles as they work together to build a car to outdo the reigning Italians.  While all the corporate intrigue sizzles, setting the stage, it all really comes down to the two friends and how they face the challenges set before them, eventually leading them to the Le Mans race where they attempt to prove their mettle.

Of course, a movie that's driven (heh) by the two friends requires some good actors.  As it turns out, Matt Damon and Christian Bale have some of the best chemistry I've seen in a very long time!  The banter, the depth, the heart-felt struggles, all of it is top-notch, making this a great performance to watch.

Finally, the racing scenes are completely thrilling, and never confusing to follow.  I could feel the speed and the stakes, and with the great soundtrack by Marco Beltrami and Buck Sanders, I was on the edge of my seat for each lap.  Definitely a great film, easily one of the best from last year (which is saying something!).

Well, that was fun!  I don't know how regular something like this will be, but as I keep watching movies, I'll be sure to write about them.  With all of this quarantine and lockdown, I definitely have the time for it.

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