Friday, January 12, 2018

Anticipated Movies for 2018

Once again, it's time to talk about all the movies in the upcoming year that I want to see.  I don't know if I'll get around to all of them, but there are somethings I'm looking forward to.

The Commuter

You've seen trailers for this one.  Liam Neeson as Liam Neeson stuck on a subway car, trying to find out who and where the bad guys are.  Perhaps not the most original story, but with the unique setting and, of course, Liam Neeson, I'm keen on seeing this one.

Black Panther

The next installment of the MCU.  To be honest, I'm not too hot on the MCU these days, as their movies seem to be settling in a rut of being decently good.  I don't anticipate much being different with this one, but their idea of a hidden African country with advanced technology will at least be interesting to see come to life.

Early Man

As a big fan of Nick Park, I'm surprised I hadn't heard about this one sooner.  Full of the classic humor that made Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run big hits, I'm looking forward to this one a lot!  

Death Wish

I've never seen the original (though I might in anticipation of this one), but with Bruce Willis as the main character and Eli Roth in the director's chair, this could be a very intense movie.  Probably not for the squeemish.

Pacific Rim: Uprising


Seriously, the first Pacific Rim is probably my favorite movie made in the last 10 years (yes, I like it even more than Avengers!).  However, with new characters and a new director, I admit I'm nervous. If they can recreate the sense of fun and wonder of the first, this will be a fun ride.

Ready Player One

To be honest, I'm not really big on this.  On the internet, it's already experiencing some backlash, as some people thing they're using nostalgia as a gimmick rather than try and tell a good story.  I know it's based on a book, but the idea of taking "nerd culture" and using it as some kind of alternate reality or whatever does make me hesitate.  Put this one down as a maybe.

Avengers: Infinity War

If there is one Marvel movie I'm legitimately excited for, it's this one.  The first part of the big tease from the end of the first Avengers movie, we're finally going to see tons of superheros take on one of the biggest supervillains in comic books.  The sheer size of the cast is something to behold.  I can only hope that it's able to live up to the past decade of expectations.

Deadpool 2

Yeah, I'm probably going to see this one.  The first one was a lot of fun (crude humor and profanity aside), and I'm expected this one to be more of the same, but with a bigger budget.  And Cable.

Solo: A Star Wars Movie

To be honest, all of these post-Lucas Star Wars films have me feeling like the inside of a Tauntaun: Luke-warm.  (I'm so sorry.)

Seriously, though, a movie about the origins of Han Solo doesn't really strike me as must-see material.  I get that classic Star Wars writer Lawrence Kasdan is involved, but this is just another maybe for me.

Incredibles 2

I admit I haven't really been paying attention to what Pixar has done since Toy Story 3.  However, the first Incredibles was a fun love-letter to classic action movies and superheros, and if Pixar can recapture the magic of the first, the this one will probably be good as well.

Ant-Man and the Wasp

It will be curious to see where this one goes, since it's coming after an Avengers film.  That being said, the first Ant-Man was a hoot, and easily in my Top 5 of MCU movies, so this sequel has a lot to live up to.  I'm hoping they get Christophe Beck to do the soundtrack again, because the first one's was amazing!

Alita: Battle Angel

Okay, I agree that the eyes are weird.  But I want to see this because it does look like another neat cyberpunk movie.  I'm also kind of amazed that James Cameron was able to get this off the ground; he's been threatening to make this movie for years.  With Robert Rodriquez in the director's chair, at least the action should be well done.

Mission Impossible 6 (tentative title)

Say what you like about Tom Cruise's ego trip series, they at least make for some fun spy action thrillers.  The last one was pretty good, and they're bringing back a lot of the same production people for this one, so I'm looking forward to this one.  At the very least, it's fun to see Ving Rhames as something other than "generic tough black dude #4519834."

The Equalizer 2

I haven't seen the first one yet, but my father says it was amazing, so I'll probably end up going to see this one with him when it comes out.  Sort of an "R"-rated Taken with Denzel Washington, the first one supposedly had some great action scenes, and I doubt the sequel will be much different.

Robin Hood

No really.  Someone is gonna try to do Robin Hood again.  It looks like it will have an interesting cast (Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Eve Hewson, Jamie Dornan, Ben Mendelsohn, Tim Minchin, Paul Anderson), but with no idea about how the story will be, this one is another maybe.  I need to see a trailer to really know what I'm getting this time.

The Kid Who Would Be King

Kids film about a young boy finding Excalibur and taking on Morgana in a contemporary setting, with Patrick Stewart as Merlin.  I admit this makes me curious.


This one is a weird duck.  It's supposedly based on the classic Spider-Man villain, but I'm not sure if it's going to be related to the MCU at all.  However, they have Tom Hardy in the lead role, which could make things interesting.  Another "maybe."

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

The last of the pre-merger Fox X-men films (or so I'm speculating), it will be interesting to see if they can avoid the screw up they did with The Last Stand all those years ago.  Still, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are back, and they've given generally good performances in their comic book roles before, so I'm hoping this one turns out okay.

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2

The first Wreck-It Ralph was a delightful film that was able to find a good story, despite all the cameos and references.  They're clearly taking things in a new direction, with the bumbling title hero finding his way into the internet, but with the same people in charge, I'm optimistic about this one.


Surprisingly, the only DC film expected to come out this year.  I admit that I'm not a real big fan of how Warner Bros has been doing the DC movies lately, but Justice League did show some signs of promise, and if they can pull this one together, they may be on the right track.

Bumblebee: The Movie

The first Transformers spin-off.  I don't know if Bumblebee has that much potential as a lead role, but it's getting made anyway, and I'll see just about anything with big robots.  Then again, I didn't see the last two Transformers films in theaters (probably for the best), so maybe I'll wait on this one as well.

Mary Poppins Returns

This feels like sacrilege.  Trying to make a sequel to a classic Disney musical that really had no room for other stories just sounds like trying to milk an old cow for more money.  Then again, I suppose Blade Runner got it sequel it didn't need, and I thought it was great, so I'm definitely curious to see if Disney still has some of that classic magic anymore.

Looking back over it, it's quite the list, most of it happening in the final quarter of the year.  We'll see how many of them I can get to, and if any of them were worth looking forward to.

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